Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry. Please see below some frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions that are not listed, please contact us!
1. What is the purpose of the Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry?
The purpose of the Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry is to collect data that will result in a more comprehensive understanding of the disease and its course and pace over time. Other registry objectives are:
- To provide a convenient online platform for participants, caregivers or their legally authorized representatives to self-report cases of chondrosarcoma.
- To better understand the stages of chondrosarcoma and the different ways the disease affects people. To do this, we will ask about diagnosis, treatment, medical history, social and economic environment, and treatment outcomes.
- To characterize and describe the chondrosarcoma population as a whole, enhancing the understanding of disease prevalence, demographics, genotype and phenotype, as well as the rate of progression of disease characteristics.
- To understand how chondrosarcoma changes over a person’s lifetime and to learn about clinical practice patterns and variations over the course of treatment.
- To help to develop best practices, management guidelines and recommendations so that clinicians can know how to give the best care to improve the quality of life and outcomes of people with chondrosarcoma.
- To support the design of clinical trials that explore new and innovative treatments.
- To identify people with chondrosarcoma who might be willing to take part in other research studies or clinical trials. You will be able to choose whether you want to hear about these other studies.
2. What is a Patient Registry?
A patient registry is a collection of standardized information about a group of patients who share a condition. The information may be used for a variety of purposes such as conducting natural history studies and supporting disease specific clinical trial recruitment.
3. What is a Natural History Study?
A natural history study is a study designed to track the course of a disease over time. It includes people who have a specific medical condition or disease. It may also include those who are at risk of developing the condition/disease. This type of research identifies demographic, genetic, environmental and other information that may be common within the disease and its outcomes. A natural history study can also show the differences in symptoms and changes over time that are seen in different people with the same disease. Natural history studies often aim to find unknown similarities within the disease population. They have many potential uses such as patient care best practice development and clinical trial recruitment. Data for natural history studies are often collected through patient registries.
4. How is the data collected?
Data is collected through a secure web-based application (that can be accessed by computer, tablet or phone) developed by the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. (NORD®), (learn more about NORD in question 26). Study participants respond to questions grouped within a series of surveys developed per study standards and in collaboration with disease specific experts.
5. What types of data will be collected in the Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry?
The data collected includes but is not limited to:
- Socio-demographics
- Medical and diagnostics
- Treatment and disease progression
- Management of care
6. What is a Research Study Sponsor?
A Research Study Sponsor is an individual, company, institution, or organization. They are responsible for choosing appropriately trained and experienced researchers to conduct the study. They are also responsible for the initiation and management of a research study. Additionally, the sponsor is responsible for the costs associated with conducting a registry study. They ensure that the study is conducted in a reputable, ethical manner and upholds regulations as they apply to the study. The sponsor of this registry is the Chondrosarcoma Foundation.
7. Who is the Chondrosarcoma Foundation?
The Chondrosarcoma CS Foundation is a non-profit charitable (501c3) organization. The mission of the Foundation is to create awareness and educate the public about chondrosarcoma; support and advocate for patients and families that are suffering from this disease; and advocate to improve the treatment and care for patients suffering from this rare bone and soft tissue cancer. We advocate for and promote positive changes including a viable treatment protocol, early detection, proper surveillance, more efficient and relevant information dedicated to chondrosarcoma, and creating networking opportunities for sarcoma experts, patients and caretakers to specifically address chondrosarcoma. Most importantly we advocate for more compassionate care, cutting through red-tape, and promoting the patient’s right to receive treatment, especially if it is potentially life-saving.
8. What is a Principal Investigator (PI)?
The Principal Investigator (PI) is the person with the primary responsibility for the design and conduct of the research project or study. The PI is responsible for oversight of all aspects pertaining to the conduct of the Registry, its staff and the research on the data contained within.
9. Who is a Study Participant?
A Study Participant is the individual about whom information is entered into the registry. In the case of an independent person of legal age, this individual will consent for and enter information about themself. If an individual is not of legal age or is an adult who requires someone to act on their behalf, a person (Caregiver/LAR, see below) who is legally responsible for their health care will provide consent and enter information about the Study Participant.
10. What is a Legally Authorized Representative (LAR)?
An LAR is someone who is authorized under applicable law to consent and enter data in the registry on behalf of another individual. The LAR may be a parent, grandparent, spouse, caregiver, or guardian as long as they have the legal authority to grant consent on behalf of that individual. An LAR will sign up on the IAMRARE platform with a Caregiver account. When an LAR acts on behalf of a study participant, they are considered to be the reporter in the research.
11. What is a Designated Representative?
The Chondrosarcoma Patient Registry will include retrospective surveys of those who passed away from chondrosarcoma with answers reported by living caretakers determined to be a Designated Representative of the deceased patient. Designated Representatives of the deceased patient are defined as adults who were caretakers of those who passed away from chondrosarcoma such as a spouse, parent, sibling, offspring, close relative, close friend, guardian, and/or significant other of the deceased chondrosarcoma patient who had knowledge and participated in the medical care of the deceased chondrosarcoma patient.
12. What is an Informed Consent Form (ICF)?
An ICF is a document that provides potential participants with key information about the registry. This document helps potential participants to make a voluntary decision whether to join or not. Information will include topics such as: the risks and benefits of the research project, use of data, and participant privacy. If they choose to join the study, participants are required to electronically sign the ICF. This indicates that they agree to the terms as described before entering data into the registry or responding to surveys.
13. After consenting, can a Participant choose to stop participating in the study?
Participants are able to withdraw from the study at any time. However, researchers may still use the information that they have collected prior to the participant changing their mind. Information that has already been shared with the RDCA-DAP (Rare Disease Cure Accelerator-Data and Analytics Platform) or other researchers prior to withdrawal cannot be retrieved or removed.
14. What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?
An IRB is a board formally designated by an institution or investigator to review, approve the initiation of, and conduct periodic review of research involving people. The primary purpose of such an assessment is to assure the protection of the rights and welfare of the participants in the study. This is also known as an Ethics Committee (EC) or Research Ethics Board (REB).
15. Who can join the study?
This study is open to anyone who has a chondrosarcoma diagnosis and meets the study inclusion criteria for participation.
16. Is there a cost to participate?
There is no cost to the patient to join this study.
17. Is there a payment for participating?
You will not be paid for the information you provide.
18. How long will this study last?
A registry on the IAMRARE platform will typically be open for at least five years. Participants will be asked to return to the registry periodically to update their information.
19. Can data be collected worldwide?
The registry uses an online platform which allows participants to contribute data from anywhere in the world. Individuals from other countries who enter data into the registry should be aware that data and privacy laws are different in the U.S. from other countries. This U.S. based registry will protect data and privacy according to U.S. requirements.
20. Where is the data stored?
The data is stored on NORD’s secure registry platform system which adheres to industry standards regarding security protections.
21. Is the data safe?
The registry follows strict government guidelines to assure patient information is protected. The platform is served over HTTPS, which means that the data is encrypted when being sent from the user’s browser to the NORD servers. The data is also kept encrypted in the NORD database. Communications between the registry platform application server and the database are also encrypted. As with any information you provide electronically, there is a very rare chance that your privacy could be compromised. However, the registry and the security measures minimize the chance of this occurring.
22. Who owns the data?
The study data are owned by the study sponsor, Chondrosarcoma Foundation. The Chondrosarcoma Foundation decides how and with whom to share the data. NORD staff will have access to the data for activities related to support and maintenance of the Platform and will collect Platform-wide participation statistics. The specifics will be outlined in your informed consent.
23. What are the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) considerations?
NORD stores Sponsor and Participant Registry Data on NORD encrypted servers and/or encrypted servers of third-party vendors. Regular back-up at commercially acceptable intervals is provided. These servers are compliant with US and international regulations, including GDPR.
For persons living outside the United States who choose to share information about themselves, the same protections for privacy and confidentiality are offered as in the United States. In addition, residents of the European Union and Switzerland have additional particular rights related to personal information. This information is disclosed within the informed consent document, in which when signed, Participants acknowledge that they are disclosing information that would otherwise be private. Privacy laws in the Participant’s country may have different protections than those provided in the United States.
Registry participants who are residents of the European Union and Switzerland are entitled to:
- Request to obtain access to and rectification or erasure of personal data;
- Receive personal data in a portable, readily-accessible format;
- Restrict or withdraw permission for the processing of personal information; and
- Lodge a complaint with an appropriate supervisory authority.
The rights to erase personal data or restrict or withdraw permission for the processing of personal information are subject to limitations provided for by Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation, namely, that such rights may be limited as necessary to protect the
public interest in the area of public health or for archiving purposes in the public and scientific interest.
24. How is the registry maintained?
The registry is maintained by NORD who hosts the registry on its web-based application. NORD provides ongoing technical support of the system. The Chondrosarcoma Foundation provides the day-to-day management of their patient registry.
25. What is a Registry Advisory Board?
A Registry Advisory Board is a committee that may include scientists, doctors, patients, caretakers, and patient advocates. They oversee the conduct of the study. The board advises on the development of surveys and reviews combined registry data and the use of this registry. They will ensure proper evaluation of all research requests for use of the registry data. They will also review any protocol or confidentiality deviations and ensure that any such deviations are reported to the IRB.
26. Who is NORD – the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.?
NORD, an independent nonprofit, is leading the fight to improve the lives of rare disease patients and families. We do this by supporting the rare community, its people, and organizations. We work together to accelerate research, raise awareness, provide valuable information, and drive public policy that benefits the estimated 25-30 million Americans impacted by rare diseases. Learn more about NORD at